Wandering around major train stations of Tokyo Metropolis Area, Osekkai Japan team is at service to help foreign visitors reach their destinations. “I can’t find this place… I am looking for this area”, are the most common question foreigners ask. Looking very bright...
My story of living abroad: I couldn’t stand the sweltering hot weather there. It is just like Japanese summer- I was always tired. I feel like I could not adapt well- I always miss Japanese sushi, the taste of sushi abroad was not that good.. In Indonesia, the...
Hi, I am a Japanese woman who is currently working as a researcher and freelance writer. I enjoyed talking with foreigners- lately some foreign couples moved to the apartment where my boyfriend lives. We had many chances to talk to them during the apartment’s...
I am an Indonesian who is currently pursuing my doctoral degree in a Japanese university. My research is about people’s preferences on specific attributes of urban forest. Japan is an expensive country but I do love Japan because the people are very helpful and...
Well, I worry about our future. Now I am a father with two small children and me and my wife need more money to raise them. Currently, I am working as a part timer in a facility service. But I can’t increase my working time because of my visa. I wish I could...