Mar 3, 2017 | Everyday Living Advice
If you want to chat with other moms and explain the reason behind your dark circle-pale look-and tired skin… you can start the conversation with the following sentences; yonaki de nemurenai … It means that you can’t sleep because your baby cries at...
Feb 3, 2017 | Everyday Living Advice
During the health check up, the health care provider will ask you about your child’s speaking ability. If your child can babble some words, you can say this to your health care provider : Nango wo shaberu. It means that he/she babbles. Hope this...
Jan 12, 2017 | Everyday Living Advice
寝返りを打つ・寝返りをする negaeri wo utsu or negaeri wo suru (more likely to be used during conversation) Definition He/she rolls...
Jan 7, 2017 | Everyday Living Advice
ぐずる guzuru Definition She/He gets cranky *hope this helps! Share this with your friends and help more people to enjoy...