Jan 11, 2017 | Everyday Living Advice
背中をトントンする せなかをとんとんする Senaka wo tonton suru I pat his/her back ...
Jan 7, 2017 | Everyday Living Advice
ぐずる guzuru Definition She/He gets cranky *hope this helps! Share this with your friends and help more people to enjoy...
Dec 16, 2016 | Everyday Living Advice, Japanese Culture & Entertainment
Wondering why recently there are so many gift boxes with the pictures of juices, hams or crab legs being displayed in your nearby department stores? Yes, those gift boxes are oseibo or winter gift giving. Gift giving is a part of Japanese culture. In the past, it is...
Dec 10, 2016 | Japanese Culture & Entertainment
Who said that being a mom makes you uncool? Well, these celebrity moms will make you think the otherwise, since they’re juggling between their career and family, making things look effortless and fun, but somehow still managed to relatable to other moms. So, here’s...
Dec 5, 2016 | Japanese Culture & Entertainment
After taking 6 years hiatus, Hikaru Utada (or sometimes referred to as Hikki) is taking the Japanese music industry by storm. Her 6th album, Fantôme, which was released on September 28 this year, has already sold more than 500k copies, and stayed at no. 1 on Oricon ...