Actor Junichi Okada and Shun Oguri will collaborate for the first time on screen, in a movie titled “追憶” (“Tsuioku”, literally means “Memory”). Tasuku Emoto, Masami Nagasawa, Fumino Kimura, Sakura Ando and Hidetaka Yoshioka also star in this much anticipated movie.
Plot: Atsushi Shikata (Junichi Okada), Keita Tadokoro (Shun Oguri) and Satoshi Kawabata (Tasuku Emoto) spent their childhood days as friends. As adults, they meet again due to a murder case. Atsushi Shikata works as a detective, Keita Tadokoro is a suspect and Satoshi Kawabata is a victim. They come face to face with the truth of the murder case and their detested past sealed within their minds. (source)
Tsuioku, also will be another collaboration between director Yasuo Furuhata and cinematographer Daisuke Kimura, 9 years after their movie “Tsukigami” (“The Haunted Samurai”, 2007), and 18 years after the classic “Poppoya” (“The Railroad Man”, 1999). The movie will be released in theatre on May 6, 2017. For more information, you can check its official website on
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