As a foreigner, you will often be asked to submit a proof or residence or Juminhyou.

Each area will have different form and handling charge, but don’t worry! What you need is to remember the following kanji,

住民票 Juminhyou、Residence Card

If you can’t find any form with this kanji, go to the receptionist and ask for Juminhyou application form.

Some staffs may not speak English, so you need to approach them in Japanese.

You will need to present your ID card while making this request,


Anou, juminhyou wo hakkou shite moraitai desu ga

Excuse me, I want to print out my residence card.


Some areas have an automated machine and some have not.

If your city halls  provide an issuing machine but you don’t understand on how to use it, don’t hesitate to ask the receptionist staff as she/he will help you to print out your juminhyou.



Anou, nihongo wo chotto wakaranai desuga, tetsudatte kudasaimasenka.

Excuse me, I don’t understand much Japanese, can you help me?


If your city halls don’t provide any issuing machine, you will need to find the application form and fill it out by yourself. Most areas provide bilingual application form so you may understand everything. But if you have further question, you can ask the staff to help you.

Just use the same phrases as above,


Anou, nihongo wo chotto wakaranai desuga, tetsudatte kudasaimasenka.

Excuse me, I don’t understand much Japanese, can you help me?



After filling out the form, you will be given a waiting number.

In some city halls, you will need to pay the handling charge in cash. Some even ask you to buy a revenue stamp 収入印紙  shuunyuu inshi,  in the machine.

Look out for the machine with this kanji, 収入証紙発売機

Then select the amount of revenue stamp that you need to pay (300, 450 or maybe more)

After that select the quantity of stamp that you want to buy (1, 2 or more).

Hand over your revenue stamp to the receptionist staff and she/he will give your juminhyou.

Before leaving the place, make sure you check the information written in the juminhyou such as your full name, address, phone number and other important information.

If you find any mistake, ask the staff to correct it for you.


Anou, sumimasen. Kono jouhou wo syuusei shite kudasai

Excuse me, please correct this information (show it with your finger! It is fast and very helpful).


Hope this helps!

Enjoy your stay in Japan

residence record

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