Hi !
I’m Keiko. I was born in Japan but raised in California, United States.
With over 10 years of teaching experience to preschoolers and elementary students in English schools in Japan, I have changed my career and worked as a
licensed elementary teacher in Miyamae ward, Kawasaki.
Working as a teacher, I found out that so many international families are living in this Den-en-toshi line area, and some students and their parents are having difficulties with Japanese culture, society, language and customs. After getting pregnant, I quit my job and started Sharing Caring CULTURE in 2014 to promote interaction between Japanese and non-Japanese living in Yokohama. I hope people of all nationalities build bonds and deepen mutual understanding through cultural activities. If you are looking for family events on weekend, join us at Sharing Caring CULTURE ! http://sharingscc.wixsite.com/sccjapan